Sampling & Testing
Our knowledgeable staff is ready to complete all of your sampling requirements and submit your results for lab testing. We will work seamlessly with your company to track qualifying storms and complete onsite sampling on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis as appropriate.
Prefer To Do It Yourself?
Download our Free In-House Sampling Form for the Industrial Stormwater General Permit and call us. We are also happy to provide recommendations for qualified analytical labs in your area.
How to collect stormwater samples.
How to collect sheet flow samples.
Overview of WA State sampling guidelines.
Need More Help? Email: info@blueenv.com
Documentation is an important aspect of all stormwater permits. Our expert consultants document the required information, and your files are kept both onsite and electronically for easy access in the event of an unexpected audit.
Need More Help? Email: info@blueenv.com
Document Preparation & Submittal
Most stormwater permits require that reports be submitted electronically through Secure Access Washington (SAW). Say "goodbye" to delinquent or missing reports with our Document Preparation & Submittal services. Our expert consultants are available to help prepare your reports and send reminders to help you submit on time.
Have You Registered with Secure Access Washington (SAW)?
Click here to access Secure Access Washington and follow the easy steps to register. If you have site specific issues, feel free to contact our team and we can guide you through the process over the phone or in person.
Need More Help? Email: info@blueenv.com
Site Management Plan Preparation
A Site Managment Plan (SMP) is the most important part of your stormwater program, providing your company with the framework to implement BMP's and collect samples based on the potential pollutant sources at your site. Our consultants will come to your site to gather the necessary information, and carefully develop a SMP that will allow your staff to follow easily while meeting the permit requirements.
Need More Help? Email: info@blueenv.com
Notice of Intent (NOI) Filings
Filing for a Stormwater Permit via a Notice of Intent (NOI) can be complicated depending on Washington State’s requirements. Our team can help you breathe easier by preparing the necessary permit documents, including a site map and SWPPP, which we submit to the proper state agency on your company's behalf.
Need More Help? Email: info@blueenv.com